Arncott Parish Council Transparency Code - 2018
- Parish Councillors’ Responsibilities
- No councillor has specific responsibilities as all areas of the council’s work are shared.
- Details of public land
- The Parish Council owns the playing field, the land in front of Constables Croft, and the playgrounds at Buchanan Road and Orchard Close. The Parish Council is the freeholder of the Village Hall (which is let to the Village Hall Committee) and has control of the Village Green (including the War Memorial).
- Expenditure over £100
- The Parish Council publishes its Minutes after every meeting. These Minutes include details of all payments made during the month.
- The Parish Council’s Agenda and draft Minutes are published on the Parish Council’s website at least 3 days before a meeting.
- After the end of the current Financial year the accounts for year will be published on the Council’s website.
- Any report from the Internal Auditor and Externa Auditor will be published on the Council’s website.
- The Council’s Annual Audit return and Annual Governance statement will be published on the Council’s website.
The parich council asset register is available here.