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Arncott Parish Council

CoVid-19 - Coronavirus

Added on 26 March 2020

As the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic continues, the parish council is limited in what it can do directly but we are working with local authorities to help provide information as we receive it. We are advised to follow the recommendations as laid out by the Government and Public Health England. There are many community lead initiatives that have been started and members of the community are encouraged to get involved with helping where possible. The main advice is to stay safe, stay indoors, and follow the guidelines. If anyone is struggling with isolation, please feel free to get in contact with the parish council through our contact page. Many of us have our numbers listed on the website. Feel free to call if you feel you need help. If you are vulnerable, or feel vulnerable, then please get in touch. We don't have all the answers, but we will hopefully be able to assist where possible. We are following advise ourselves from NALC as we're all in uncharted territory, but we're all in it together. Unfortunately, we have been advised to close the play parks in the village which we will try to do when we can but we're all isolated in our homes as well.

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